Dean Wetton Advisory is an independent boutique investment consultancy

We offer a range of reporting services including Default Comparison Reports, Master Universe Comparison reports, Operational Due Diligence reports, Value for Member reports.

Default Universe Comparison and Master Universe Comparison reports

Regulation requires trust-based pension schemes and master trusts to demonstrate value for money for their members. The concept of value for money in the pensions industry indicates a combination of investment performance, measured in return and risk, combined with the charges and fees retained to operate and oversee the scheme as well as costs paid to asset managers to execute the investment strategy. Most members of a trust-based pension are invested in the scheme’s default strategy, meaning their investments are chosen and managed by the trustees with help from the investment advisors.

We assist the investment community with this obligation through our two market-first reports. We produce the Default Universe Comparison report (DUC) and the Master Trust Universe Comparison report (MUC), both reports rank and compare value for money metrics and provide trustees and the broader industry with the tools to assess their positions and compare their performance. 

Operational Due Diligence reports

High profile corporate governance failures in recent years have highlighted the inadequacies of Investment Due Diligence (IDD) alone to support decisions to invest in or acquire a fund. Weak governance and operational management are often not unveiled during the IDD process.

DWA has years of experience in conducting Operational Due Diligence (ODD) research. We have unique experience in illiquid or private market operational due diligence and offer clients, including banks, pension funds, private equity funds, charities, family offices, endowments and sovereign wealth funds, an analysis of an investment manager’s operational capabilities and robustness.

Our process creates an awareness of potential malfunctions and shortcomings in a manager’s operational processes and procedures; legal structure, organisational structure, staffing, underlying securities, compliance policies and procedures or use of third-party service providers, which can seriously impact a fund’s overall success.

We work with our clients in an out-sourced capacity or alongside their in-house investment specialist when developing ODD reports.

Value for Members (VFM) Requirements

Value for Members (VFM) Requirements

We assess your scheme for Value for Member compliance. We deliver this as a complete assessment of your scheme and compare your scheme against other options in the market.

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Alliance Bernstein
Smart Pension