Dean Wetton Advisory is an independent boutique investment consultancy
We offer independent, practical investment advice to Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution pension schemes, insurers, charities and asset managers.
Our approach is to consider our client’s risk requirements, risk tolerance and their ability to govern the solution we recommend.
We never recommend solutions that are too complex for our clients to manage. Our advice is truly independent as we don’t own or sell any investment products.
Defined Benefit Pension schemes
Regulatory requirements around Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes are complex and this requires considerable governance oversight.
We help pension scheme trustees to manage risk in an easy to govern way, enabling schemes to retain control and better maintain their journey plan. Our proven model assesses expected returns and risk relative to liabilities and helps our clients undertake strategic changes as and when required and as their situation changes and develops.
We undertake due diligence on the operations of all the funds we recommend. We look for good margin controls and management of counterparty risks within these funds.
Defined Contribution Pension schemes
Direct Contribution (DC) pension schemes have a regulatory obligation to show Value for Members and to manage risk for all age cohorts, to ensure that all member interests are considered.
To assist our clients with this Value For Members obligation, we have developed a practical tool, the Default Universe Comparison report (DUC), to show how a scheme compares to others. Value for Members is an important tool as it shows how members’ investments have faired across different age cohorts compared to other scheme defaults; this is based on a unique combination of historic performance, expected performance and risk.
To enable our clients to better manage risk for all age cohorts, we have our own proprietary models, including the Fairway model, which calibrates expected return and risk for all age cohorts, tests for sufficient return and offers suggested limits for risks.
We believe that the back-end processes we have developed in this model are unique; they are based on our experience in the market and our work in manipulating specialised data sets. We have also expanded the model to include an ESG and climate risk overlay, which is something we have not seen elsewhere.

Value for Members (VFM) Requirements
We assess your scheme for Value for Member compliance. We deliver this as a complete assessment of your scheme and compare your scheme against other options in the market.